Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Channel's Most Powerful Women

The August 2007 edition of Var Business magazine highlights 50 top executives in the IT industry. The group includes Microsoft's Allison Watson, which should come as no surprise especially given the work she has again accomplished in the last 12 months. I wish it would have been the cover story but suffice to say it tells us that the industry is at least realizing that women are a great asset here and we ought to take note of this rather large contingent and make sure that word gets around. "Lead by example" is a saying that may inspire more women to take up the challenge and pursue this path of excellence. I was struck by the text under one Angie Wong, CEO of OJO Technology, "and still managed to raise twin boys". Silly sexist statement but then again there is a truth to be told. While many men don't have to balance work and responsibilities to children, and then some still can't "hack it" under pressure, who then better to rise to the challenges of this industry than someone who can correct a major marketing problem and explain the Pythagorean theorem to their teen without batting a mascara laden eyelash.

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