Sunday, September 23, 2007

SMB Nation and the woman behind it.

Beatrice Mulzer
Vice President, SMB Nation

It is not enough to be a #1 rated trainer and an MCSE. For Beatrice Mulzer its all about making the SBSC community stand up and be counted, but also be accountable. From the classroom to the editing room this is one absolutely no nonsense IT professional, that exemplifies the type of "techie" that makes for an ideal model for young women everywhere. In one week, at SMB Nation, she will grace us with her presence and impart some invaluable insight into her own challenges in a still very male dominated arena.


Beatrice is a SMB Technology Consultant, Technology Trainer and speaker.

As a trainer she currently develops and delivers Hands-on-Lab training on Microsoft products globally, conducts live training web casts and develops technical training courses on DVD.

Beatrice has been a contributing editor at Reseller Advocate Magazine and has also written for Certification Magazine and Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine.

Beatrice holds the MCSE and MCT titles and co-authored two technical books on Small Business Server and recently published her anticipated business book “Making it Big in Small Business 2006: Top 15 SMB Consultants share strategies and lessons learned”

Microsoft/HP workshop tour 30 cities EMEA covering Windows Mobility (sales & technical installation), Vista, 2007 Office system, Technology Assessment Toolkit and 70-282 exam cram.
(Mobility course developed with Mark Grady, Microsoft UK). Executive Editor SMB Partner Community Magazine. Co-author Microsoft Small Business Specialist Primer: Your Certification Path to Success! ISBN 0-977-949-6-0 (release date fall 2007).

Author Making IT Big in Small Business 2006, ISBN 0-9770949-2-8. Microsoft/HP workshop tour 30 cities EMEA covering Windows Small Business Server 2003, remote access, security, certificates and 70-282 exam cram. SMBNation/Qlogic SAN tour. SMB Nation fall conference 70-282 exam cram. Web casts on 70-282. Web cast on ISA server 2000. Executive Editor SMB Partner Community Magazine.

Co-author of the Microsoft Small Business Specialist Primer & 70-282 Exam Preparation Guide ISBN 0-974858-03. Contributing Editor for Reseller Advocate Magazine. Designed and developed learning video for Keystone Learning System on Windows Small Business Server 2003 installation and configuration. Developed and delivered hands-on training (Asentus/Microsoft HOL) for Small Business Server and Windows Business Desktop Deployment.

Co-author Advanced Windows Small Business Server 2003 Best Practices ISBN 0-974858-07-2. Developed and delivered hands-on training (Asentus/Microsoft HOL) for Windows Small Business Server 2003. Developed and delivered training for Windows Branch Office Server.

Delivered hands-on training (Asentus/Microsoft HOL) for Windows Small Business Server 2003.

Delivered 2000 MCSE MOC at Brevard Community College.

Owner of Intellisys USA, a consulting business serving the three A’s (attorneys, architects & accountants), providing strategic technology solutions.

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