Monday, October 8, 2007

What we could use more of

As I look at what our industry needs to do to encourage more women into the IT industry it was clear that some firms are taking steps to ensure that they create sustainable employment in their own, but focused on women! CN Canada's largest railway company has established a set of scholarships for women as shown below at my sons' college (Dawson). So the rail industry is encouraging women specifically in non-traditional fields. Maybe they know what we know, but the difference is they are doing something about it at the college level, before women can turn their back on it.

CN Scholarships for Women
$600 CN Scholarships for Women in the following tech programs:
Analytical Chemistry
Civil Engineering
Mec Tech

Something for us to take a closer look at. What do you think? Do you know or have you helped establish this kind of funding at your local college. Tell us more!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz

    You have been quiet on the blogging front for the past little while. I trust things are well with you and Conamex, congrats on your awards.

    Stuart Crawford
